Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On the edge of the world trip

Now I can really feel that I'm on the very edge of this great adventure. Within the last few days, I've completed my last day at work, sold my car, finalized packing my things - and travelled to the East Coast to be with my family for a few weeks.

Hard to believe that we've been planning this trip for over a year and a half. And yet, my mind is full of lists of things to be taken care of... It all seems so surreal that it's happening within the next two months! Thankfully, I have time to relax and research. We still need to get travel insurance as well as narrow down an itinerary for Australia and New Zealand. Then --- figure out how to pack down 3 boxes of "must have" travel items into 1 bag. I was recently told about www.onebag.com - which I still need to study thoroughly.

But for now, I have a whole month to spend with my family and friends in VA, NJ and NY. I'm so thankful to have this time to spend with them. It's been since the early 90's that I've had this kind of time with them. So, yes, that's what I'm feeling thankful for this holiday season.

- nancy